PVA Membership
The PVA is a membership-driven organization that is supported by the many individuals who volunteer their time to preserving the structures, environment, and history of Pawtuxet Village. Your membership means you will receive email updates about PVA activities and events, along with any community notices.
The PVA has three levels of membership available:
Individual: $20
Friend: $40
Benefactor: $100 (Includes a copy of The Bridge mailed to you!)
If you're interested in becoming a member or are renewing your current membership, please complete the following steps:
Step 1: Fill out the form on this page -- be sure to describe the membership level you are renewing or signing up for in the comments section -- then hit "Submit."
Step 2: Click on the "Donate" button and submit your donation securely through PayPal.
As always, you can send your payment to:
Pawtuxet Village Association
PO Box 8626 Pilgrim Station
Warwick, RI, 02888
Thank you!